Sfânta Biserica Ortodoxă

miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2022

Profesor.Univ.Dr.Silviu Gurlui - Ne intoarcem in urma cu 20 de ani?

Va amintiti noptile petrecute la granite, la 2 noaptea, cum ne scoteau austriecii si restul, in frig (cind mergeam iarna), ne scoteau afara din autocare, ne incolonau in țarcuri si stateam la rind ca vitele pentru a ajunge la o ghereta, acolo unde vamesii stateau la caldurica, unde dadeam socoteala de ce pasim in Europa, ce facem? Iar pe linga noi, celelalte natiuni treceau fara sa fie opriti, erau liberi? Iaca, revenim, si noi, si ei. Mare progres am facut! Dupa 20 ani de cind, atunci, induram asa umilinta, acum pare ca revenim la obiceiuri. Nu mai spun ca urmeaza si portia de electricitate in casa dar si fara lumina, noaptea, pe strazi. Si restul le stiti.

Acum se reintroduc controalele la frontiere in contextul contextului.
Slava cerului ca ma pot bucura de vremurile de atunci. Nu??? ce sansa!! 😔
Ramine in Schenghen Romania si Bulgaria!?😃
Temporary border controls reintroduced in a context different from COVID-19:
●Denmark (12 November 2022 – 11 May 2023)
War in Ukraine, smuggling and human trafficking, Russians fleeing conscription, returning terrorist fighters, risk of exploiting by terrorists the migration routes, incidents involving the organised crime; the Danish-German land border, the Danish-Swedish land border
●Norway (12 November 2022 – 11 May 2023)
War in Ukraine, need to increase the security of the Norwegian on-shore and off-shore gas facilities, situation at the external border; ports with ferry connections to the Schengen area
●Austria (12 November 2022 – 11 May 2023)
Secondary movements, increase in irregular migration flows, smuggling activities, illegal entry of potential terrorist threats, land borders to Slovenia and Hungary
●Sweden (12 November 2022 – 11 May 2023)
Increase in irregular migration flows, risk of secondary movements, situation at the external border, specific borders to be determined
●France (1 November 2022 – 30 April 2023)
New terrorist threats, organised criminality and activity of organised groups of smugglers, risk of arrival of persons who could pose a threat among the flow of refugees, irregular migration, secondary movements, the situation at the external border (Ukraine war); all internal borders as well as sea and air bordersTemporary Reintroduction of Border Control

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